NOTE: The enrollment key for all courses is:ibew/neca
Click on the link below to enter Online Testing.
Create a new account by following the procedures listed on the right side of the page. If you have already created an account, you may login and begin testing.
You will be asked for a key to enroll in the course. The enrollment key for all courses is: ibew/neca
Be sure to have a code book ready and be prepared to spend the full time working on the test, as you can only access the test one time with the given username and password. You cannot login and logout repeatedly.
When you have finished the test you will be given your score as well as an opportunity to review your answers along with the correct answer for each question. You must achieve a score of 70% or better for successful completion.
When you wish to obtain your continuing education credits, contact the Apprenticeship School and we will verify your scores and create your training certificates.